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The Military Medal (Luxembourg)

Medals from Luxembourg: The Military Medal
The Military Medal (Luxembourg). Obverse.

The Military Medal (or Médaille militaire, German: Militärmedaille in French) is Luxembourg’s highest military honor.

The Military Medal was instituted on 30 October 1945 by Grand Duchess Charlotte, following a proposal from then Prince Jean. This creation came in the aftermath of World War II, a period that highlighted the importance of recognizing military heroism and extraordinary service.

The medal is awarded for outstanding achievements and extraordinary deeds, regardless of rank. It can be awarded to all military personnel, regardless of rank, who demonstrate outstanding achievements and extraordinary deeds. This inclusive criterion ensures that valor and exceptional service are recognized across all levels of the military hierarchy.

The Military Medal Design

The medal is a bronze circular disc.

The obverse features the left-facing profile of Grand Duchess Charlotte, with the inscription “Charlotte Grande-Duchesse de Luxembourg” around the edge, emphasizing her role in establishing the medal.

The reverse displays the Lesser coat of arms of Luxembourg, with the numbers “19” to the left and “40” to the right of the arms, symbolizing the year 1940.

The medal is suspended from a blue ribbon with a thin central yellow line and yellow edges.

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