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The Brave and Faithful Order or Quisling Cross

The Brave and Faithful Order - Norwegian Decorations WW2
The Brave and Faithful Order - Second class, obverse.

The Brave and Faithful Order was introduced by the Quisling Government to serve as the Norwegian equivalent of the German Iron Cross. The decoration was intended for Norwegian front-line fighters.

Few of these medals were produced before it was decided that Norwegian soldiers could wear the German Iron Cross.

The Brave and Faithful Order Design

In 1944, the Order was repurposed as a civilian Nazi Party award, featuring a Sun-Eagle instead of the original “1941.”

Known as the “Quisling Cross,” the reverse bears the inscription “Brave and Faithful.” It is very rare, as many recipients kept it secret after 1945.

The three grades differ in how they are worn: the I Class as a breast cross, the II Class on a ribbon, and the Knight’s Cross with a ribbon suspension.

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