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The Order of Military Merit (South Korea)

The Order of Military Merit (무공훈장 in Korean) is the primary military decoration awarded by the South Korean government.

The Order is awarded to a person who rendered “outstanding military services by participating in an action in time of war or in quasi-state of war or by performing his/her duty equivalent to combat, such as responding to the attack of an enemy in a contact area.”

The Order of Military Merit is awarded in five classes and each of these has three grades. In descending order of rank, the classes are:

  • Taeguk Cordon Medal.png Taeguk (태극)
  • Eulji Cordon Medal.png Eulji (을지)
  • Chungmu Cordon Medal.png Chungmu (충무)
  • Hwarang Cordon Medal.png Hwarang (화랑)
  • Inheon Cordon Medal.png Inheon (인헌).

The Order of Military Merit Design

Each class has a first, second or third grade, denoted respectively by a gold star (금색 별), silver star (실버 스타), or an unadorned ribbon.

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