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Special Service Commissions Medal (Portugal)

Special Service Commissions Medal - Portuguese Decorations
Special Service Commissions Medal - Obverse.

The Commemorative Medal for Special Service Missions of the Portuguese Armed Forces (or Medalha comemorativa de comissões de serviço especiais in Portuguese), established on May 28, 1946, is awarded to military personnel who have completed service missions abroad, whether as part of national or multinational forces.

Initially, this decoration was part of the 1946 Campaign Commemorative Medal of the Portuguese Armed Forces, differing only in its ribbon, which was white with red edges. It was awarded in “cases of simple expeditions or actions of any nature where the circumstances did not require the conduct of war operations” (Art. 43 of the 1946 Regulations).

This medal is given to soldiers and sailors who participate in multinational forces under NATO, the UN, and the EU, as well as in technical-military cooperations.

Special Service Commissions Medal Design

Since 1971, there has been a clear distinction between the Medal for Special Service Commissions and the Campaign Medal, although the design of both remains the same, with only the ribbon colors differing. The ribbon for this medal is white, edged with red. The design, since 2002, is as follows:

The obverse features the national emblem surrounded by a circular strip with the inscription “CAMPANHAS E COMISSÕES ESPECIAIS DAS FORÇAS ARMADAS PORTUGUESAS” in uppercase Elzevir type letters. This inscription is encircled by two laurel branches, with fruits, tied at the proximal ends with a wide bow. Above this ensemble is a mural crown with five towers.

The reverse is a disc featuring a National Flag at the top. Superimposed on the flag, and occupying nearly the entire diameter, are the figures of an Army soldier (right), an Air Force soldier (center), and a Navy sailor (left), standing on a pedestal. The disc is surrounded by the inscription “ESTE REINO É OBRA DE SOLDADOS” (“This kingdom is the work of soldiers”), a quote from Joaquim Augusto Mouzinho de Albuquerque in a letter to Prince Royal D. Luís Filipe, in uppercase Elzevir type letters, within a circular strip, concluded at the bottom by a wide bow. Above this ensemble is a mural crown identical to the one on the obverse.

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