- Time Period: Post-WW2
- Institution: 1970
- Country: South Korea
The Order of Saemaeul Service Merit (새마을훈장 in Korean) is an order of merit of South Korea, presented to individuals who contributed to the social development of the country through the New Community Movement.
Also known as the New Community Movement, New Village Movement, Saemaul Movement or Saema’eul Movement, this was a political initiative launched on April 22, 1970 by South Korean president Park Chung-hee to modernize the rural South Korean economy. It was based on the Korean traditional communalism called Hyangyak (향약, 鄕約) and Doorae (두레), which provided the rules for self-governance and cooperation in traditional Korean communities.
The Order of Saemaeul Service Merit is divided into five classes:
Jarip Medal: 자립장 (自立章)
Jajo Medal: 자조장 (自助章)
Hyeopdong Medal: 협동장 (協同章)
Geunmyeon Medal: 근면장 (勤勉章)
Noryeok Medal: 노력장 (努力章)
The Order of Saemaeul Service Merit Design
The ribbon of the order is light green with a different number of thin red stripes on the sides depending on the class.