- Time Period: Pre World War I
- Institution: 1833
- Country: Italy (Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, Duchy of Lucca)
The Long Service Decoration (or Decorazioni di servizio per gli ufficiali e sottufficiali in Italian, also Medaglia di Anzianitá) is a medal instituted in 1833 and awarded to NCO’s and Enlisted Men who had served at least ten (round medal) or thirty years (cross).
The medal was created during the period of the House of Bourbon-Parma, a cadet branch of the Spanish royal family. Their members once ruled as Duke of Parma and Piacenza, Guastalla, and Lucca.
The Long Service Decoration Design
The medal is round, struck in bronze gilt and measures 33 mm (wide) x 37.7 mm (hight) inclusive of its laterally-pierced ball suspension.