- Time Period: Nazi Germany (Interwars Period, World War II)
- Institution: 10 December 1944
- Country: Germany
The Warsaw Shield (or Ärmelschild Warschau in German) is a World War II military decoration of Nazi Germany, awarded to Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS servicemen who took part in the suppression of the 1944 Warsaw uprising. The Warsaw uprising lasted 63 days from 1 August 1944. Polish resistance attempted to liberate Warsaw as German forces withdrew. However, the approaching Red Army temporarily halted outside the city, enabling the Germans to regroup and defeat the uprising.
Although authorized, approved and announced (the Warsaw Shield was instituted on 10 December 1944 by Adolf Hitler, with full award regulations published in the Reich Law Gazette), production had not begun prior to the end of the war and the award was never issued. Dies were prepared, but were destroyed in an air-raid and no shields were actually produced before the end of the war. However, some sample matrices for the shield survived and have been used as the basis for the post-war manufacture of unofficial examples.
The Warsaw Shield Design
The award was designed by Benno von Arent. It was going to be a 50 × 62 mm bronze-colored shield with a large Wehrmacht-style eagle with folded wings grasping a writhing snake. A mobile swastika is superimposed on the eagle’s neck with, immediately below, a narrow banner with the legend WARSCHAU 1944.
The shield was to be worn on the left upper arm of the uniform.
More Nazi Germany Shields (Ärmelschilde)
These campaign shields were awarded to members of the Wehrmacht (the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945). They were given for participation in specific battles or campaigns and worn on the left upper arm of the uniform jacket.

The Lappland Shield
The Lappland Shield (Lapplandschild) is a World War II German military decoration awarded to military personnel who fought in Lapland.

The Lorient Shield (Projected)
The Lorient Shield (Lorientschild) was a projected WW2 Third Reich decoration planned for participants in the Siege of Lorient (1944–45).

The Dunkirk Shield (Projected)
The Dunkirk Shield (Dünkirchenschild) was a projected WW2 Third Reich decoration planned for participants in the Siege of Dunkirk (1944–45).

The Crimea Shield
The Crimea Shield (Krimschild) is a WW2 German military decoration awarded to military personnel who fought against Soviet Red Army forces.