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The Campaign Service Medal (Portugal)

The Campaign Service Medal - Portuguese Medals & Decorations
The Campaign Service Medal - Silver, obverse.

The Campaign Commemorative Medal (or in Portuguese) was created on November 30, 1916, by Decree No. 2870, alongside the War Cross, commemorates the campaigns of the Portuguese Armed Forces outside mainland Portugal, particularly in the context of Portugal’s entry into World War I.

The medal is awarded to military personnel who have served in a campaign situation (Art. 46 of the 2002 Regulations).

This medal functions as a general campaign medal, with each specific campaign indicated by a clasp on the ribbon, with the most recent campaign above the older ones. The following clasps have been approved:

  • South Angola, 1914-1915 (Decree No. 2941, 18/1/1917)
  • Mozambique, 1897-1898 (Decree No. 2965, 1/2/1917)
  • Timor, 1912-1913 (Decree No. …, 23/9/1918)
  • Mozambique, 1914-1918 (Decree No. 5060, 30/11/1918)
  • At Sea, 1916-1917-1918 (Decree No. 5086, 3/1/1919)
  • France, 1917-1918 (Decree No. 5400, 12/4/1919)
  • Lunda, 1911 (Decree No. …, 14/5/1919)
  • Congo, 1914-1915 (Decree No. …, 14/5/1919)
  • Maritime Defense, 1914-1918 (Decree No. 5799, 28/5/1919)
  • At Sea, 1916-1917-1918 + Maritime Defense, 1914-1918 (Decree No. 5983, 31/7/1919)
  • Occupation of Mozambique District, 1906-1913 (Decree No. 6546, 8/4/1920)
  • Cuanza-Sul, 1917-1918 (Decree No. …, 30/4/1920)
  • Cuanhama, 1915 (Decree No. 7433, 25/6/1920)
  • Beyond Cunene, 1904 (Decree No. 6731, 8/7/1920)
  • Satary, 1912 (Decree No. 7434, 18/7/1920)
  • Bissau, 1915 (Decree No. …, 10/9/1920)
  • CEL, Maritime Defense, 1916-1918 + Funchal, Maritime Defense, 1916-1918 + Ponta Delgada, Maritime Defense, 1916-1918 (Decree No. 1123, 4/3/1921)
  • Cape Verde, 1917-1918 (Decree No. 8613, 3/2/1923)
  • Dembos, 1918-1919 (Decree No. 8791, 1/5/1923)
  • Lunda, 1922-1923 (Decree No. …, 12/7/1924)
  • Lunda, 1920 (Decree No. 10442, 31/12/1924)
  • Congo, 1918 (Decree No. 15026, 13/1/1928)
  • Northern Angola (since 15/3/1961) (Decree No. 19683, 4/2/1963)
  • Guinea (since 1/3/1963) (Decree No. 20564, 7/5/1964)
  • Mozambique (since 1/8/1965) (Decree No. 21941, 6/4/1966)
  • Angola (since 23/12/1966) (Decree No. 22838, 21/8/1967) (extinguishes the legend Northern Angola)
  • Afghanistan 2008 (Decree No. …, …)
  • Somalia / Africa 2009-2013 (Anti-Piracy Operations) (Decree No. …, …)
  • Kosovo 2012-2013 (Decree No. …, …)
  • Central African Republic 2012-2019 (Civil War) (Decree No. …, …)

The Campaign Service Medal Design

The obverse features the national emblem surrounded by a circular strip with the inscription “CAMPANHAS E COMISSÕES ESPECIAIS DAS FORÇAS ARMADAS PORTUGUESAS” in capital Elzevir type letters, encircled by two laurel branches with fruits, tied at the top with a wide bow. Above this ensemble is a mural crown with five towers.

The reverse bears a disc featuring a National Flag at the top. Superimposed on the flag are the figures of an Army soldier (right), an Air Force soldier (center), and a Navy sailor (left), standing on a pedestal. The disc is surrounded by the inscription “ESTE REINO É OBRA DE SOLDADOS” (“This kingdom is the work of soldiers“), a quote from Joaquim Augusto Mouzinho de Albuquerque in a letter to Prince Royal D. Luís Filipe, in capital Elzevir type letters, within a circular strip, concluded at the bottom by a wide bow. Above this ensemble is a mural crown identical to the one on the obverse.

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